John Is £100 Up!

John Hardy of Atherton was thrilled to receive a £100 cheque from the Lifeline Lottery last week!

John said: “It was unexpected, to be honest. It makes a change from all the bills!"

John has been a supporter of the Bolton Wanderers' Development Association (Chorley) Ltd weekly fundraisers for about fifteen years. John explained the main reason he wanted to join was to help the BWDA invest funds, where needed, into Bolton Wanderers FC. 

We asked John if he had any plans for his windfall? He said: “As my sons now know about the winnings, they have already got their eyes on some new merchandise that's recently added in the club shop”.

Finally, John had this to say to anyone who’s not already supporting the BWDA through one of the weekly fundraisers: “If you can afford it, then it is worthwhile joining to support your club and, at the same time, receive the discounts available on season tickets, club shop and the offers on match tickets throughout the season”. 

Congratulations John and thanks for your support!

You too could be a winner, just like John. To join today contact

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